Saint-Laurent-les-Tours castle - Jean Lurçat museum
Guida Michelin
Monumento civile e militare
Il parere della Guida Michelin
Perched on the steep hill overlooking Saint-Céré, the two lofty medieval towers and their surrounding wall are inextricably linked to this site and the town's history. At dusk, they take on an orange-red hue and immediately draw the eye. They are the property of the Turenne family and were acquired by Jean Lurçat in 1945. The main tower, to the west, was restored in 2015 and now houses a space dedicated to temporary exhibitions. The Jean Lurçat Museum is located on the ground floor of the lodgings, which were rebuilt in 1895. A museum-workshop, it presents the place as it was at the time of the artist's death. His Cubist-inspired works reflect a touching humanism.
46400 Saint-Laurent-les-Tours
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