
Guida Michelin
Vale la pena di fare delle deviazioni
Il parere della Guida Michelin
Chef Ryan Ratino's ambitious counter is an experience like nothing else in the city. Sitting just above Bresca, the room is a constant hive of activity with sharp-suited servers gliding about and laser-focused chefs working in perfect tandem. From the cutlery to the cooking, expect beauty and boldness. Top-rate seafood and meat from Japan and beautiful sauces form the core of this menu. Think delicate tarts with wagyu tartare, grilled sawara with beet and pomegranate sauce, and a particularly striking king crab rice cooked in a donabe. Dessert is its own counter that ends with a treasure box of mignardises. All throughout, a high-energy playlist matches a high-performing team who want nothing more than for guests to enjoy themselves.
1904 14th St. NWWashington 20009