Cyril Attrazic
Immagine del luogo
Guida Michelin
Vale la pena di fare delle deviazioni
Gastronomia sostenibile
Il parere della Guida Michelin
To quote Cyril Attrazic: “I was in love with the Maison, even before I fell for cooking”. To explain, the Maison is the family hotel restaurant business founded by his grandmother in the heart of Aubrac, a high-altitude plateau that could be mistaken for the Mongolian Steppes. By virtue of farming traditions and the harsh climate, the restaurant doesn’t mess about with hospitality, albeit in a modern vein. The chef scrupulously applies the advice of his mentor, Michel Bras: only cook local ingredients (…) with an identity. He does just this, showcasing a giant cèpe picked in the next-door woods or the legendary Aubrac beef rich in the flavour of a thousand flowers, all of which is served in “his ecosystem”. It would be difficult to find anywhere better to taste and smell Lozère.
I punti di forza
10 route du Languedoc
48130 Aumont-Aubrac